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Has the power of C-Suite Thought Leadership weakened?

Image of computer with the words 'Do More' - Does thought leadership still have power or has it weakened?
This question ranks high with business leaders who still want to harness the power of thought leadership, but are concerned they have missed the boat

I am the first to admit that the term thought leadership gets thrown around a lot in marketing conversations, especially when it comes to winning the mindshare of the C-suite.  Some B2B marketing professionals feel as though the ship has well and truly sailed into the horizon when it comes to thought leadership, much like sending marketing swag to the C-suite’s home address.

We likely all agree that C-suite are busy and preoccupied professionals who are swamped by marketing content daily, now more than ever.

However, insight from a LinkedIn survey found that 58% of C-suite spend one or more hours reading what thought leaders in their industry have to say each week.

From my experience, C-suite like to see leadership in action and will give the time to genuine thought leadership. While some marketing professionals say the power of thought leadership has weakened, I say the power of genuine thought leadership is as strong as ever.

Building a content strategy around meaningful content aligned with industry trends is what makes thought leadership powerful.  By taking a look back at the basics of marketing, we understand that people buy from organisations and individuals they trust. It’s as simple as that.

The C-suite do not make decisions in isolation.

It’s also important not to overlook the fact that the C-suite do not make buying decisions in isolation.  They often defer to people on their team who act as advisors and influencers.  To achieve thought leadership success, these people need to be included in the conversation.

Request our guide on how to formulate thought leadership campaigns anchored by industry insights and trends to win C-suite mindshare and that of the entire decision-making team.  This particular guide is based around a campaign we ran on behalf of a client who wanted to win the mindshare of the Healthcare C-suite.

3 Ingredients of Powerful Thought Leadership

Download Turn Data Into Actionable Insights
Pictured: Download Guide to Turn Data Into Actionable Insights

Download Highlights

  • Features a high-level summary of what a 16-week C-suite engagement campaign could look like.
  • 4 thought leadership campaign elevation tips.
  • The essentials to create a robust content marketing strategy for the entire buyer journey, anchored by original content and data insights.

Get in touch if you need guidance. We work with business leaders to find a genuine reason for them to connect with C-suite professionals and their teams within Healthcare, Government, Finance and Technology sectors.

Have you listened to my podcast yet? In the very first edition of the ‘In Conversation with Change Makers’ series, I am joined by Corrie McLeod and James Riley from InnovationAus where we discuss some of the biggest challenges they see facing innovation in technology, how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the course of new technology in market, and where they see leaders coming together, working towards changing government policy in Australia.

In Conversation with Change Makers logo on a purple background with white text outlining the podcast description.
Listen to the podcast on Google Podcasts, Spotify and more, via Anchor

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Founded in 2007, Best Case Scenario believe in the power of people to create meaningful change. We provide strategic, targeted end-to-end integrated marketing solutions that utilise industry research to inspire transformational outcomes.

Best Case Scenario leverage strong relationships within the Technology, Government, Financial and Healthcare sectors to bring the right people together to create meaningful conversations. We work with ambitious companies to help them grow and achieve outstanding results.

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