Industry Associations News Technology

Supporting industry associations is the key to propelling tech adoption across other industry sectors.

A survey conducted by Bain & Company and Twitter, as part of their ongoing research on how the Covid-19 pandemic is changing B2B marketing dynamics, found that buyers trust community sources over ads and other sources, such as sales reps, webinars and vendor websites. From our experience, this finding is nothing new and existed in pre-pandemic days.

One such community source that has an impact on tech buyers are industry associations who are making valuable contributions to educating sectors such as Government and Healthcare on the importance of tech.

I began volunteering with the AIIA (Australian Information Industry Association) many years ago and most recently with the Tech Council of Australia via my work with #TechDiversity, they are relentlessly propelling tech adoption across industry sectors.

Technology innovators who align with what matters to associations will be seen.

Associations are often overlooked when it comes to technology communication strategies and the impact they have on Government, Healthcare, FSI and other sectors. Many have admirable goals that influence the innovation in Australia such as:

  • Building links with universities and industry to commercialise innovative research

  • Developing effective regulatory settings for a tech-enabled economy

  • Skilling the technology workforce and improving access to talent overseas

  • Boosting Government investment in tech

It’s possible for tech innovators to create a genuine alignment with associations for example, one association we have had the pleasure of working with, Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA), recently released their 2022 election statement. The AHHA is Australia’s national peak body for public and not-for-profit hospitals and healthcare providers, they attract a captive audience.

Their election statement outlines four key areas of reform urgently needed in shifting to more outcomes-focused, value-based health care.

  • Measure and report what matters
  • Build a sustainable and resilient workforce
  • Provide stewardship and support that enables regional innovation and reform
  • Use funding models and incentivise improved health outcomes

Here is an excellent opportunity for technology innovators to get involved in the conversation, to be outwardly focused on how their innovation can impact one or more of the above key areas of reform.

Technology marketing and sales professionals shouldn’t underestimate the importance of their organisation being part of conversations among the tech buyer community.

I regularly speak with tech buyers within Government, Healthcare and FSI and the message from them is consistent, they seek out information from their peers and thought leadership on industry trends that give valuable perspectives.

More tech innovators are seeing this trend and are taking a considered and educated approach when communicating the value of their innovations to industry sectors who will benefit from investing in tech.

Acting as a conduit puts us in a privileged position

Our team are privileged to work with a myriad of industry associations both in Australia and overseas, all trusted voices who represent their industry from Technology, Government, FSI to Healthcare.  

The main motivation for us when working with industry associations is to propel the adoption of technology within sectors that can leverage tech to change lives for good. 

As we continue to work with many other associations beyond just technology, together we are driving purpose-led conversations such as delivering better citizen experience to supporting healthcare professionals via the use of technology.

About Best Case Scenario

Founded in 2007, Best Case Scenario create business opportunities to empower change-makers. They believe in the power of people to create meaningful change. They leverage strong relationships within the Technology, Government, Financial and Health sector to bring the right people together to have meaningful conversations. They work with ambitious companies to help them grow and achieve outstanding results.

Connect direct with Best Case Scenario’s Founder and Director, Luli Adeyemo at