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Here’s something I don’t write about often: events thriving in financial uncertainty.

Picture of Luli Adeyemo

Luli Adeyemo

Director & Founder of Best Case Scenario

The recently published “Event Industry Report 2024: Australian Edition” by Cvent underscores a notable optimism, revealing that 68% of event organisers are actively planning to expand their event portfolios. At Best Case Scenario, we are witnessing firsthand the resurgence of in-person events becoming a pivotal strategy for organisations seeking to foster deeper engagement and connectivity with their target audience. 

Deloitte’s 2023 Global Marketing Trends report further emphasises the strategic importance of events amidst ongoing global financial uncertainties, including inflation and supply chain disruptions. Rather than curtailing expenditures, brands are increasingly doubling down on their marketing investments, particularly in enhancing customer personalisation. I know first hand how this is crucial for optimising the event experience, ensuring seamless transitions from pre-event marketing initiatives to immersive on-site engagements that resonate with attendees on a personal level.

Moreover, Deloitte’s findings highlight a resounding consensus among industry leaders, with 86% of respondents acknowledging the transformative power of creativity in driving long-term organisational success.

It’s worth noting that again we are seeing a trend of organisations reaching out to agencies for a shot of creativity when it comes to event planning, the days of just making sure there is enough stand-out swag are gone and the focus is on unique experiences.  

Our belief is that events are not a standalone marketing endeavor, but are integral components of a broader strategy to inform, network, and nurture potential clients throughout their buyer journey.

By leveraging events as dynamic platforms for innovation and growth, businesses can effectively cultivate meaningful connections that transcend traditional boundaries, fostering lasting impressions and tangible business outcomes.

At Best Case Scenario, our commitment extends beyond orchestrating memorable events; we empower our clients to harness these industry trends to craft immersive and impactful experiences that leave a lasting imprint on attendees.

These insights from both Cvent and Deloitte help us guide and inform our innovative strategies and resilient practices that define the future of event marketing in Australia.


Blog Featured News Technology

The fusion of data and strategy is about creating connections that count.

Picture of Luli Adeyemo

Luli Adeyemo

Director & Founder of Best Case Scenario

I have always avoided spray and pray marketing and have always been in search of a more robust data driven approach of understanding audiences.  

The idea of disseminating content to indifferent audiences, based solely on generic criteria like job titles and company names, was far from appealing. It seemed too impersonal, too disconnected. I believed there had to be a better way—a method that could leverage the advancements in data analytics to pinpoint our clients’ ideal audience with precision.

And indeed, there was. Through diligent exploration, I discovered innovative data-driven solutions that transformed our approach, allowing us to engage audiences more meaningfully and effectively on behalf of our clients. 

I have always been committed to ensuring that BCS’s content creation expertise not only captivates but also precisely targets the right audience for our clients.  

Over the past few months my focus has been really understanding the B2B evolution from traditional marketing and sales strategies to data-driven approaches. It really marks a significant shift, one that I have navigated firsthand. I was on a mission to bridge the gap between BCS (Best Case Scenario) creating compelling content for the right audience.  

Technographics – meet my new best friend.

To be honest, lead generation was not the cornerstone of Best Case Scenario’s service suite. However, the landscape of audience engagement began to shift. I delved into the rich possibilities offered by data analytics, discovering how Technographics and intent data could not only match but also predict the perfect audience for any given even program or campaign. This exploration into market opportunities, technology stack adoption, and buyer behaviours transformed my approach.

Buyer Propensity Rating – another great acquaintance of mine

One tool that stood out was the ability to leverage Buyer Propensity Rating. It is a game-changer, sifting through the noise to spotlight the most promising prospects. This is not about generating leads; it is about generating the right leads. The shift from a broad approach to a focused, data-driven strategy underscores the power of understanding and action. It is about making informed decisions that not only resonate with audiences but also drive them towards meaningful engagement.
As I reflect on this journey, I am reminded of the importance of evolving and adapting. The launch of my agency’s new solution – TechPulse ABM is a testament to this growth. It embodies our commitment to leveraging advanced analytics and personalised engagement strategies, ensuring we are not just reaching out to accounts but nurturing high-value relationships on behalf of our clients.

Why ABM? 67% improvement in deal closing rates 

Research from Forrester shows that Marketers strongly agree that personalised content (56%) and advanced data management (43%) are keys to ABM’s success. 

According to research by Sirius Decisions (Forrester), about 70% of B2B companies are already focusing on driving ABM programs, so it makes sense to meet this demand.  

There has always been a focus on lead generation from our clients, but ABM is now part of a broader strategy that also emphasises new business generation, customer retention, and pipeline acceleration.  

Furthermore, companies that align their sales and marketing teams through ABM strategies see a 67% improvement in deal closing rates (source: Propello), underscoring the importance of collaboration between these two functions.

Take a step toward a data-enriched future 

For those ready to explore the depths of their market potential, I invite you to take a step towards a data-enriched future. Provide us with your target audience market, country, specific technology, and let us delve into your top targets. This no-obligation exploration is the first step toward uncovering the vast opportunities that await. 

In this journey, remember: “The fusion of data and strategy isn’t just about better marketing; it’s about creating connections that count.” 

Featured News SMB Technology

Digital Content Checklist, Captivate Tech Buyers

Download Digital Content Checklist​

A set of fresh eyes can be beneficial to ensure that the needs of tech buyers are being met. 

We often recommend to out clients to check-in with their digital content, a sort of quick health check to allow some small but effective tweaking of content.  This checklist enables a review of digital content that allows for some small tweaks without a massive overhaul of content that can take many weeks.

One of our marketing services available to our clients is a website review session in terms of content and branding.   Please enter your details below to get access to our free checklist tool so you can start with small tweaks that can make a big difference. 

About Best Case Scenario

Founded in 2007, Best Case Scenario create business opportunities to empower change-makers. They believe in the power of people to create meaningful change. They leverage strong relationships within the Technology, Government, Financial and Health sector to bring the right people together to have meaningful conversations. They work with ambitious companies to help them grow and achieve outstanding results.

Connect direct with Best Case Scenario’s Founder and Director, Luli Adeyemo at

Featured Government Healthcare News SMB Technology

Government as a Buyer, Government as a User

I was keen to moderate this panel as many of my technology clients struggle with the Government procurement process, often making it extremely resourcing draining, especially for those in the SMB tech sector, who may not have the resources to stick with it, unlike the big tech players in the market.

 I experienced much needed optimism at the launch of The Innovation Papers in Canberra, they are full of policy ideas and inspiration for Australian industry policy.  I was delighted to be one of the contributors with a focus on embracing workplace diversity to build a strong economy,  you can pick up a copy here.

Throughout the event I observed an organic and unofficial theme of collaboration, which aligns with what I’ve always thought, multi-disciplinary collaboration is what is needed on a state and local level with many stakeholders to improve collaboration between the industry and Government.

The Innovation Papers does exactly that, it brings people from all corners of the industry with diverse backgrounds to share insights and ideas to ignite real action.

I moderated a panel with three contributors of The Innovation Papers;

  • Dr Lesley Seebeck, ANU, Moving beyond (just) delivery
  • Catherine Thompson, Hypereal, The digital marketplace and procurement reform
  • Marina Yastreboff, Australian Society for Computers and the Law, Rules as Code – Challenges and opportunities for lawmakers

I recommend you listen to the full 13 minute discussion, below I summarise some key points that stood out for me.

What is the one thing we can do to campaign for that impact and change that we need?

  • Catherine Thompson choose public accountability,  essential to have dialogue and understand why decisions are taking place.
  • Dr Lesley Seebeck urges Government to publish every bit of data and track it. She mentioned she was aware of community groups effectively doing this right now.
  • Marina Yastreboff recommends to make our laws and rules understandable and interrogate and promote a participatory democracy.

Having conversations such as these especially in Canberra will bring these issues to the fore and I’m very happy to support this, other points I picked up during the discussion include.

  • Make Government data transparent and make it accurate to enable more informed debates.
  • The mindset needs to shift from bureaucracy. We must deliver economic and social outcomes that lead to better a government and better wellbeing for people in communities.
  • Rules as code, the concept of writing digital government rules, legislation, regulation, standards, and policy is an opportunity to build better ways to consult the public and explain how the rules will work.
  • We need Government to lead and modernise its IT effort so it supports democracy, it’s a marathon and not sprint and should not fit in with election cycles.  Dr Lesley Seebeck did a tremendous job outlining four key areas of change, to learn more about them, please watch the recording.

The Innovation Papers: Part 6 – Panel. Dr Lesley Seebeck, Cath Thompson, Marina Yastreboff and Luli Adeyemo

Embrace workplace diversity to build a stronger economy

With the latest Census data showing Australia to be more culturally diverse than ever, leaders in the public and private sectors now face one of the nation’s most significant and pressing challenges – achieving workplace diversity...
Picture of Luli Adeyemo
Luli Adeyemo

Founder & Managing Director, Best Case Scenario | Director, TechDiversity Foundation

About Best Case Scenario

Founded in 2007, Best Case Scenario create business opportunities to empower change-makers. They believe in the power of people to create meaningful change. They leverage strong relationships within the Technology, Government, Financial and Health sector to bring the right people together to have meaningful conversations. They work with ambitious companies to help them grow and achieve outstanding results.

Connect direct with Best Case Scenario’s Founder and Director, Luli Adeyemo at

Government Healthcare News Technology

Real Data Insights Driving Healthcare and Government Engagement

Marketing technology innovations to Healthcare and Government audiences can be tricky. Thankfully, the message of harnessing technology for better patient outcomes and better citizen experience strongly resonates beyond the IT community.  Today, this message is more meaningful to key stakeholders within Government and Healthcare. However, cutting through this message to open up growth opportunities for technology innovators to engage with technology buyers within these sectors remains a challenge. 

Energise Engagement with Healthcare Buyers

Access Case Study

The objective of our client was to create new and maintain meaningful engagements with healthcare technology buyers and influencers.

We have had many conversations with overseas technology innovators looking to expand to Australia, and the writing is on the wall; both sectors plan to increase investment in technology.

According to the HIMSS Future of Healthcare Report, 80% of healthcare providers plan to increase investment in technology and digital solutions over the next five years. 

Last year it was announced the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA), will receive an additional AU$ 59 million over four years to continue to provide enhanced digital and IT oversight and advice. Their mission is to drive and secure the Australian Government’s investment in Australia’s digital future.

How can technology innovators harness this investment?

The most common pain point for technology marketers from our experience is engagement at the top to middle of the funnel – from creating awareness, initiating engagement, and maintaining meaningful engagement to guide audiences through the funnel, transitioning into loyal customers.

We’ve seen the most effective engagement campaigns driven by real data insights. What does this mean?

A lot has happened over the past two years within Government and Healthcare and understanding these changes through data insights on customers, markets, and industries will pinpoint the most productive allocation of marketing budget to effectively craft and personalise messages that engage audiences.

An close up image someone taking notes in a strategy meeting

Our own technology clients appreciate the power of data-driven insights for marketing purposes, with 64% of marketers surveyed stating they ‘strongly agree’ data-driven marketing is crucial to their companies, according to research by CMO by Adobe.

In 2021, our client engagement programs aimed at Healthcare and Government initiated with research and the collection and interpretation of data to shape audience engagement campaigns. This then enabled us to build buyer personas and create targeted content, and off the back of these insights present findings to both sales and marketing.

It’s not surprising the most popular marketing offerings to our technology clients in 2021 included:

  • Technology user research in Healthcare, FSI and Government
  • Sales and Marketing Alignment Workshops
  • Buyer Persona Creation
  • Targeted Content Creation

Healthcare and Government Stakeholder Engagement

Thankfully, among our technology community there has been a massive shift of focus from quick wins and lead generation to meaningful stakeholder engagement within the Healthcare and Government communities. Our partnerships with associations, lobbyists and Government agencies places us in a great position to advise and guide technology innovators on how they can make an impact in the future of Healthcare and Government sectors.

Read more about our work with partners here.

About Best Case Scenario

Founded in 2007, Best Case Scenario create business opportunities to empower change-makers. They believe in the power of people to create meaningful change. They leverage strong relationships within the Technology, Government, Financial and Health sector to bring the right people together to have meaningful conversations. They work with ambitious companies to help them grow and achieve outstanding results.

Connect direct with Best Case Scenario’s Founder and Director, Luli Adeyemo at

News Technology

What happened when I was put in the driving seat at the Australian Grand Prix executive breakfast?

Let me start by explaining what I mean by driving seat; I was a discussion moderator at the Australian Grand Prix Corporation breakfast in Melbourne. The breakfast was run by the British Consulate General on the topic ‘The Impact of Innovation’.

I want to start by thanking one of the attendees, Michael Hendricks, Chief Risk Officer, Australia at Revolut for sharing his two-favourite and very poignant take aways from the discussion:

“Real innovation is setting a very ambitious goal that you don’t yet have a solution for” & “Unless we get cognitive diversity, we won’t get innovation”

I would like to also add my own top takeaways, but firstly thank you to such a great panel who made my job as moderator an absolute joy.

We covered a lot of engaging topics, but the following really stood out for me (in my own words);

Failing often spurs on innovation.

Australian culture can in some cases hold back innovation as the fear of failure is too overwhelming. Australia would do well to embrace the UK’s attitude to failure.

The definition of innovation.

Sally-Ann Williams, CEO of Cicada Innovation came from the view point that true innovation needed to be radical innovation, not incremental as often seen here in Australia, playing it too safe.   Pat Symonds, Chief Technical Officer from Formula 1 agreed there was a place for radical information and he came from the school of three types of innovation:

  • Incremental Innovation. Existing Technology, Existing Market.
  • Disruptive Innovation. New Technology, Existing Market.
  • Radical Innovation. New Technology, New Market.
Innovation and Diversity.

Pat Symonds, also raised that at one point in his career as a leader he realised his engineering team, albeit extremely capable – they team had similar experiences and backgrounds, with a lack of diversity in thinking, they got a lot done but,  because they agreed on most things, no one was being challenged with different perspectives. This is where Pat raised the excellent point “Unless we get cognitive diversity, we won’t get innovation”.

Diversity and collaboration.

This insight will certainly shift the perception that Formula 1 is nothing more than a gas guzzling sport. Pat provided two scenarios where they collaborated with other sectors to solve issues beyond the track to hospitals and supermarket isles.
A technology developed in Formula One racing could revolutionise refrigeration in the UK’s supermarkets and convenience stores by drastically reducing the energy needed for cooling.

The design of a new breathing aid developed by engineers at the Mercedes F1 team, University College London (UCL), and clinicians at UCL Hospital have been made freely available to support the global response to Covid-19.

A lifetime of event management and running my own marketing/event agency Best Case Scenario, has put me in a good position to know the key ingredients that made for an outstanding panel such as this;

  • the high quality of the participants themselves
  • putting in the work pre-discussion to understand the different dynamics and qualities of each panelist to bring the best out of a mix of subject matter experts.

Finally, I want to also thank the British Consul-General Victoria for hosting the  discussion that set out to discuss the opportunities and impact of technological innovation between Australia and the United Kingdom. Their goal to inform and excite attendees about current opportunities in the innovation space, with a view to furthering trade and innovation into the future was truly met.

“I wanted to write to personally thank Luli for participating in our Innovation in the Fast Lane panel on Friday. All your contributions were invaluable, and the result was a fantastic, engaging discussion spanning the importance of diversity and inclusion to get innovation; building a culture of innovation; innovation to solve global challenges; and international collaboration, to name a few topics.”

About Best Case Scenario

Founded in 2007, Best Case Scenario create business opportunities to empower change-makers. They believe in the power of people to create meaningful change. They leverage strong relationships within the Technology, Government, Financial and Health sector to bring the right people together to have meaningful conversations. They work with ambitious companies to help them grow and achieve outstanding results.

Connect direct with Best Case Scenario’s Founder and Director, Luli Adeyemo at

Blog News Technology

What Does The Future of B2B Events Look Like?

This has been challenging for some agencies, for Best Case Scenario we took this in our stride due to our vast experience in event production, logistics and technical expertise at the highest level.

Now restrictions have eased, the demand for in-person is greater than ever, however the threat of lockdowns/restrictions is never far away, which is why we can support in-person, virtual, or a hybrid mix of both.

Hybrid experiences require strong tech expertise. More than pure physical or total virtual, the hybrid space often cause complications, however our experience can eliminate this and ensure the event delivers:

  1. Integrity
  2. Acquisition of simultaneous unique content sources
  3. Synthesis of live and pre-recorded content
  4. Engagement for both live and virtual audiences
  5. A mix of speakers/presenters, and performers in various levels of interaction

Expected Outcomes From Excellent Event Planning?

An  event with a very strong technical expertise at the earliest planning stages is key to anticipating and dealing with such factors.  We ensure our team members, partners and clients are tightly aligned, leveraging real-time workflows and processes.

We harmonise across the teams to ensure we are always progressing the project.  We never stop pushing the limits of our space, we always consider ways we can improve performance, timelines and reliability to create a seamless attendee experience.

About Best Case Scenario

Founded in 2007, Best Case Scenario create business opportunities to empower change-makers. They believe in the power of people to create meaningful change. They leverage strong relationships within the Technology, Government, Financial and Health sector to bring the right people together to have meaningful conversations. They work with ambitious companies to help them grow and achieve outstanding results.

Connect direct with Best Case Scenario’s Founder and Director, Luli Adeyemo at

Industry Associations News Technology

Supporting industry associations is the key to propelling tech adoption across other industry sectors.

A survey conducted by Bain & Company and Twitter, as part of their ongoing research on how the Covid-19 pandemic is changing B2B marketing dynamics, found that buyers trust community sources over ads and other sources, such as sales reps, webinars and vendor websites. From our experience, this finding is nothing new and existed in pre-pandemic days.

One such community source that has an impact on tech buyers are industry associations who are making valuable contributions to educating sectors such as Government and Healthcare on the importance of tech.

I began volunteering with the AIIA (Australian Information Industry Association) many years ago and most recently with the Tech Council of Australia via my work with #TechDiversity, they are relentlessly propelling tech adoption across industry sectors.

Technology innovators who align with what matters to associations will be seen.

Associations are often overlooked when it comes to technology communication strategies and the impact they have on Government, Healthcare, FSI and other sectors. Many have admirable goals that influence the innovation in Australia such as:

  • Building links with universities and industry to commercialise innovative research

  • Developing effective regulatory settings for a tech-enabled economy

  • Skilling the technology workforce and improving access to talent overseas

  • Boosting Government investment in tech

It’s possible for tech innovators to create a genuine alignment with associations for example, one association we have had the pleasure of working with, Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA), recently released their 2022 election statement. The AHHA is Australia’s national peak body for public and not-for-profit hospitals and healthcare providers, they attract a captive audience.

Their election statement outlines four key areas of reform urgently needed in shifting to more outcomes-focused, value-based health care.

  • Measure and report what matters
  • Build a sustainable and resilient workforce
  • Provide stewardship and support that enables regional innovation and reform
  • Use funding models and incentivise improved health outcomes

Here is an excellent opportunity for technology innovators to get involved in the conversation, to be outwardly focused on how their innovation can impact one or more of the above key areas of reform.

Technology marketing and sales professionals shouldn’t underestimate the importance of their organisation being part of conversations among the tech buyer community.

I regularly speak with tech buyers within Government, Healthcare and FSI and the message from them is consistent, they seek out information from their peers and thought leadership on industry trends that give valuable perspectives.

More tech innovators are seeing this trend and are taking a considered and educated approach when communicating the value of their innovations to industry sectors who will benefit from investing in tech.

Acting as a conduit puts us in a privileged position

Our team are privileged to work with a myriad of industry associations both in Australia and overseas, all trusted voices who represent their industry from Technology, Government, FSI to Healthcare.  

The main motivation for us when working with industry associations is to propel the adoption of technology within sectors that can leverage tech to change lives for good. 

As we continue to work with many other associations beyond just technology, together we are driving purpose-led conversations such as delivering better citizen experience to supporting healthcare professionals via the use of technology.

About Best Case Scenario

Founded in 2007, Best Case Scenario create business opportunities to empower change-makers. They believe in the power of people to create meaningful change. They leverage strong relationships within the Technology, Government, Financial and Health sector to bring the right people together to have meaningful conversations. They work with ambitious companies to help them grow and achieve outstanding results.

Connect direct with Best Case Scenario’s Founder and Director, Luli Adeyemo at

Government Healthcare News Technology

Supporting tech innovation as an enabler within Australian Healthcare & Government Sectors

We invite technology innovators to learn about our initiatives within these sectors that include:

Technology as an enabler in healthcare

Drive conversations in healthcare

We continue to gather a mix of forward thinkers from different skill sets and backgrounds together to have meaningful conversations on what needs to be done when it comes to leveraging technology for better patient outcomes. Last year we worked with our partner Queensland AI Hub to build a forum to discuss AI in Healthcare featuring Queensland University, Metro South Health, and Deloitte. In 2022 we will continue to drive similar conversations with a variety of stakeholders.

A conduit between Healthcare stakeholders

We are currently engaging with a number of associations, government representatives, regulators, academia, healthtech and patient representatives to collaborate and navigate the complexity of the healthcare sector. Reach out to me to be part of it, 2022 will the year of ‘doers’.

Medical personnel holding a mobile phone, using technology in healthcare

Leverage research to propel better patient outcomes in Healthcare through tech

We will continue to undertake healthcare sector research on behalf of technology leaders to create insightful and educational content on how technology can be leveraged to deliver better patient outcomes. The results of such studies are distributed to our network of associations to reach the users of tech within healthcare settings.

Technology as an enabler in government

Scrabble pieces forming a word 'Government'

Grow diversity within NSW government’s tech supplier network.

Via #TechDiversty foundation we teamed up with Cultural Infusion and approached NSW Government to implement a data driven platform called Diversity Atlas across all strategic partners that provide technology services to the state Government, to understand tech workforce diversity. This is an excellent opportunity for our technology clients to align with a Government procurement process that puts diversity and inclusion as a priority. Reach out to me to find out more.

Data driven insights to help tech innovators sell and market to Government

Provide technology innovators with access to data insights that will enable better ‘matchmaking’ between tech innovation and Government request for tender (RFTs).  Organisations can throw a lot of resource at RFTs with little insights. These data insights help organisations to uncover partnerships for RFT success.  Our clients use this service for competitor insights and plan future resource allocation to submit upcoming RFTs.

Support and attract more talent to the tech sector

Continue to volunteer our time to lead not for profit #TechDiversity foundation, we recently secured a partnership with the Tech Council of Australia and their recently launched initiative; the Digital Employment Forum (DEF). We will support and educate their members so they can attract and retain a diverse and inclusive workforce.

We’ve advised some amazing women-led businesses from Sri-Lanka with the Export Council of Australia and from Canada to New Zealand with SheEO, where we participated in virtual trade events.

We are actively mentoring overseas organisations with setting up and growing their market presence in Australia as part of The International Growth Programme lead by our UK partner TechNation

Group of diverse people sitting and conversing

Continue discussions with key change makers

We are excited to continue insightful conversations from real change makers within our industry – follow and share our podcast

Below are some of the following conversations we will publish this year. 

Want to grow your business?

Best Case Scenario offers integrated marketing solutions, email us now to find out more.

Founded in 2007, Best Case Scenario believe in the power of people to create meaningful change. We provide strategic, targeted end-to-end integrated marketing solutions that utilise industry research to inspire transformational outcomes.

Best Case Scenario leverage strong relationships within the Technology, Government, Financial and Healthcare sectors to bring the right people together to create meaningful conversations. We work with ambitious companies to help them grow and achieve outstanding results.

Got questions? Email us at

Featured Healthcare News Technology

Queensland AI for Healthcare

“This is an exciting time for AI driven Healthcare, according to research company Ecosystm, as vaccine distribution and tracking become crucial, healthcare organisations will opt for a more collaborative, AI driven supply chain. This is just one key indicator that there is a need now more than ever for collaborative opportunities such as the AI Healthcare Forum 2021"

AI in Healthcare is now truly at the forefront during this COVID-19 era. However, over the past few years it is champions like Queensland AI Hub and Best Case Scenario who have facilitated and encouraged the adoption of AI technologies within the Australian Healthcare sector.

In this new decade they celebrate their newly formed partnership, facilitating a stronger AI community in Australia bringing together clinicians, hospitals leaders, innovators, universities, industry and government talent at the AI Healthcare Forum 2021.

Best Case Scenario will bring to the partnership its significant experience in developing hybrid events in a Covid-19 era as well as its extensive network in the technology and healthcare sector.

“Luli and her team are an obvious partner of choice for the AI Healthcare Forum 2021, their expertise in delivering educational forums both online and face to face backed by their program development, sponsorship engagement and marketing skills is what attracted us to them”

About AI Healthcare Forum 2021

Opportunities are now open to speak and sponsor at the forum, please contact to receive more information.

About the Queensland Artificial Intelligence (AI) Hub

Established in April 2020, the Queensland Artificial Intelligence (AI) Hub brings regions, innovation hubs, universities, industry and government talent together to maximise people development, skills utilisation, investment and our competitive edge on a global scale. The Hub connects Queensland’s AI ecosystem and champions the AI community, ensuring our AI creators, investors, industry, government and communities have the right skills and support to understand and implement artificial intelligence at scale. Sue Keay, CEO, Queensland AI Hub

“Best Case Scenario were approached by Queensland AI Hub to help deliver their AI Healthcare Forum 2021, I was impressed by their impact and influence on the wider AI sector delivering bespoke education and training programs to develop a future-ready workforce, while advocating for AI, advising on government policy and benchmarking global best practices”

About Best Case Scenario

Founded in 2007, Best Case Scenario create business opportunities to empower change-makers. They believe in the power of people to create meaningful change. They leverage strong relationships within the Technology, Government, Financial and Health sector to bring the right people together to have meaningful conversations. They work with ambitious companies to help them grow and achieve outstanding results.

Luli Adeyemo, Director, Best Case Scenario