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Here’s something I don’t write about often: events thriving in financial uncertainty.

Picture of Luli Adeyemo

Luli Adeyemo

Director & Founder of Best Case Scenario

The recently published “Event Industry Report 2024: Australian Edition” by Cvent underscores a notable optimism, revealing that 68% of event organisers are actively planning to expand their event portfolios. At Best Case Scenario, we are witnessing firsthand the resurgence of in-person events becoming a pivotal strategy for organisations seeking to foster deeper engagement and connectivity with their target audience. 

Deloitte’s 2023 Global Marketing Trends report further emphasises the strategic importance of events amidst ongoing global financial uncertainties, including inflation and supply chain disruptions. Rather than curtailing expenditures, brands are increasingly doubling down on their marketing investments, particularly in enhancing customer personalisation. I know first hand how this is crucial for optimising the event experience, ensuring seamless transitions from pre-event marketing initiatives to immersive on-site engagements that resonate with attendees on a personal level.

Moreover, Deloitte’s findings highlight a resounding consensus among industry leaders, with 86% of respondents acknowledging the transformative power of creativity in driving long-term organisational success.

It’s worth noting that again we are seeing a trend of organisations reaching out to agencies for a shot of creativity when it comes to event planning, the days of just making sure there is enough stand-out swag are gone and the focus is on unique experiences.  

Our belief is that events are not a standalone marketing endeavor, but are integral components of a broader strategy to inform, network, and nurture potential clients throughout their buyer journey.

By leveraging events as dynamic platforms for innovation and growth, businesses can effectively cultivate meaningful connections that transcend traditional boundaries, fostering lasting impressions and tangible business outcomes.

At Best Case Scenario, our commitment extends beyond orchestrating memorable events; we empower our clients to harness these industry trends to craft immersive and impactful experiences that leave a lasting imprint on attendees.

These insights from both Cvent and Deloitte help us guide and inform our innovative strategies and resilient practices that define the future of event marketing in Australia.


Blog Featured News Technology

The fusion of data and strategy is about creating connections that count.

Picture of Luli Adeyemo

Luli Adeyemo

Director & Founder of Best Case Scenario

I have always avoided spray and pray marketing and have always been in search of a more robust data driven approach of understanding audiences.  

The idea of disseminating content to indifferent audiences, based solely on generic criteria like job titles and company names, was far from appealing. It seemed too impersonal, too disconnected. I believed there had to be a better way—a method that could leverage the advancements in data analytics to pinpoint our clients’ ideal audience with precision.

And indeed, there was. Through diligent exploration, I discovered innovative data-driven solutions that transformed our approach, allowing us to engage audiences more meaningfully and effectively on behalf of our clients. 

I have always been committed to ensuring that BCS’s content creation expertise not only captivates but also precisely targets the right audience for our clients.  

Over the past few months my focus has been really understanding the B2B evolution from traditional marketing and sales strategies to data-driven approaches. It really marks a significant shift, one that I have navigated firsthand. I was on a mission to bridge the gap between BCS (Best Case Scenario) creating compelling content for the right audience.  

Technographics – meet my new best friend.

To be honest, lead generation was not the cornerstone of Best Case Scenario’s service suite. However, the landscape of audience engagement began to shift. I delved into the rich possibilities offered by data analytics, discovering how Technographics and intent data could not only match but also predict the perfect audience for any given even program or campaign. This exploration into market opportunities, technology stack adoption, and buyer behaviours transformed my approach.

Buyer Propensity Rating – another great acquaintance of mine

One tool that stood out was the ability to leverage Buyer Propensity Rating. It is a game-changer, sifting through the noise to spotlight the most promising prospects. This is not about generating leads; it is about generating the right leads. The shift from a broad approach to a focused, data-driven strategy underscores the power of understanding and action. It is about making informed decisions that not only resonate with audiences but also drive them towards meaningful engagement.
As I reflect on this journey, I am reminded of the importance of evolving and adapting. The launch of my agency’s new solution – TechPulse ABM is a testament to this growth. It embodies our commitment to leveraging advanced analytics and personalised engagement strategies, ensuring we are not just reaching out to accounts but nurturing high-value relationships on behalf of our clients.

Why ABM? 67% improvement in deal closing rates 

Research from Forrester shows that Marketers strongly agree that personalised content (56%) and advanced data management (43%) are keys to ABM’s success. 

According to research by Sirius Decisions (Forrester), about 70% of B2B companies are already focusing on driving ABM programs, so it makes sense to meet this demand.  

There has always been a focus on lead generation from our clients, but ABM is now part of a broader strategy that also emphasises new business generation, customer retention, and pipeline acceleration.  

Furthermore, companies that align their sales and marketing teams through ABM strategies see a 67% improvement in deal closing rates (source: Propello), underscoring the importance of collaboration between these two functions.

Take a step toward a data-enriched future 

For those ready to explore the depths of their market potential, I invite you to take a step towards a data-enriched future. Provide us with your target audience market, country, specific technology, and let us delve into your top targets. This no-obligation exploration is the first step toward uncovering the vast opportunities that await. 

In this journey, remember: “The fusion of data and strategy isn’t just about better marketing; it’s about creating connections that count.” 

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5 AI Applications for Event Marketing backed by insights and Statistics

  1. Enhanced Personalization through AI-Powered Recommendations AI algorithms excel in analysing attendee data, enabling event marketers to offer highly personalised content and experiences. By evaluating past behaviors, preferences, and engagement levels, AI can tailor event suggestions, workshops, and networking opportunities to individual attendees.

Statistic: According to a Salesforce report, 84% of customers say being treated like a person, not a number, is crucial to winning their business.

People around a desk

2. Predictive Analytics for Better Event Planning
Predictive analytics, a cornerstone of AI, helps marketers forecast trends, attendee preferences, and potential event outcomes. This foresight allows for more strategic planning, resource allocation, and targeted marketing efforts.

Insight: AI-driven predictive analytics can increase attendee satisfaction by up to 20%, as per a study by EventMB.

3. Real-Time Engagement Analysis AI tools can track and analyse attendee engagement in real-time, offering immediate insights into what’s working and what’s not. This capability allows for on-the-fly adjustments to enhance attendee experiences and engagement levels.

Statistic: Events using AI for real-time engagement have seen a 30% increase in attendee interaction, according to a report by Bizzabo.

4. AI in Event Marketing ROI Measurement Determining the ROI of an event is complex, but AI simplifies it by analysing vast amounts of data to pinpoint the most impactful aspects of an event. AI can track attendee journey, engagement, and post-event behavior to accurately assess the event’s success.

Insight: Companies using AI for event ROI measurement have reported a 15% more accurate assessment of their events’ success, as per a study by Gartner.

5. Chatbots for Enhanced Attendee Experience AI-powered chatbots can provide instant responses to attendee queries, offer personalised recommendations, and assist in navigation during events. This not only improves the attendee experience but also reduces the workload on event staff.

Statistic: A survey by Drift found that 40% of consumers prefer interacting with chatbots for timely and accurate responses during events.


 AI is rapidly becoming an indispensable tool in the arsenal of event marketers. From personalisation to predictive analytics, real-time engagement, ROI measurement, and chatbots, AI’s applications are diverse and impactful. By embracing these AI-driven strategies, event marketing professionals can create more engaging, efficient, and successful events, ensuring a memorable experience for every attendee.

Download a marketing tech landscape from here

We will most certainly be trying out some of these tools on behalf of our clients. 

Martech map



Elevate your B2B Marketing Events Effortlessly

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Navigating the Year Ahead: Strategies for Success and Balance in B2B Marketing


The past has been a rollercoaster for Australian employees, including marketing professionals. A University of Melbourne report indicated a significant toll on mental and physical health among workers, with one-third considering quitting due to fatigue and exhaustion. This trend underscores the importance of reviewing our strategies and mental well-being as we move forward.

A woman with her head on a pillow
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Planning for 2023

As we step into 2023, it’s crucial to set clear, achievable goals.

We’ve seen the rapid adoption of AI and automation in workplaces, including marketing, this in itself demands a proactive approach to staying ahead of the curve (which is ironic as it is meant to make our lives simpler).   

While most Australians aren’t overly concerned about being replaced by AI and automation, they are cautious adopters of new technologies in the workplace. This cautious approach could contribute to stress and burnout, particularly for marketing professionals who often rely on technology and digital tools for their work.

However, we still need to consider aligning our strategies with these technological advancements while ensuring they complement our human creativity and insight is key.

The report further found that 38% of Australian workers had a chronic illness, and over 40% of them wanted to quit their jobs.

This finding is significant because job dissatisfaction and the desire to quit are often linked to burnout, which may be particularly relevant for marketing professionals dealing with the high-pressure, fast-paced nature of their work

Managing Stress and Work-Life Balance

Let’s get back to achieving that work-life balance, it is more critical than ever.

An article published in HRD reported A staggering 46% of Australian employees reported burnout in 2022, a clear signal that balancing work demands with personal well-being is essential.

At Best Case Scenario, we advocate for the smart delegation of tasks. Outsourcing mundane, time-consuming tasks to trusted partners can free up valuable time, allowing marketing professionals to focus on strategic and creative aspects of their roles.

Looking at Global Marketing Professionals

Globally, the story is similar for marketing. A survey featured in Marketing Mag revealed over 80% of marketing professionals report burnout due to factors like:

  • monotonous tasks,
  • long hours,
  • tough deadlines.
  • and high anxiety.

Solutions for a Smoother Year Ahead

In addressing the challenges of burnout and workload management, one effective strategy is the smart delegation of tasks through outsourcing. Outsourcing routine and time-consuming tasks can be a game-changer. It allows marketing professionals to focus on strategic and creative aspects of their roles, enhancing productivity and job satisfaction.

By partnering with reliable external teams for these tasks, businesses can not only streamline their operations but also provide their core team with the opportunity to focus on growth and innovation. This approach not only aids in managing stress but also fosters a more dynamic and fulfilling work environment.

As we look towards 2023, exploring such collaborative solutions could be key in reshaping our approach to work and well-being.

It’s interesting to note developments like Jasper’s recent launch of its AI Copilot, which promises to ensure that ‘no one should have to work alone again.’

Such innovations could be game-changers in how marketing functions operate. We’re curious to hear your thoughts on this. Do you think technologies like Jasper’s AI Copilot are the future of marketing?

Let us know your views as we collectively navigate these exciting technological advancements in our field, please email our marketing department – with your own views. 

At Best Case Scenario, we offer comprehensive solutions to address challenges that ‘lonely marketing’ professionals face.

Our suite of services includes outsourcing options for routine tasks, strategic planning assistance, and technological tools to streamline workflows.

We believe in empowering marketing professionals to focus on what they do best – innovating and connecting with audiences.

As 2023 approaches, let’s take this opportunity to reset and reorient. By strategically planning, managing stress, and utilising outsourcing solutions, we can navigate the year ahead with greater ease and effectiveness.

Let’s make 2023 a year of growth, balance, and success in the B2B marketing world.

Elevate your B2B Marketing Events Effortlessly

Blog Featured News

Driving Change Through Dynamic Engagements: A Week of Progressive Collaborations at Best Case Scenario

InterSystems Executive Roundtable

In a harmonious endeavor with Ecosystm and InterSystems, we sculpted an executive roundtable elucidating the “Interoperability Challenges & Progress in ANZ Healthcare.” The table buzzed with insightful dialogues, with the research from Ecosystm & InterSystems forming the keystone of our discussions. Our camaraderie with Sash Mukherjee, VP Industry Insights at Ecosystm, was the catalyst for a riveting exchange on Analytics, Interoperability, and Data Synergy. The intellectual camaraderie was nothing short of exhilarating!

InterSystems, Best Case Scenario and Ecosystm Roundtable Discussion on Healthcare
Picture courtesy of Ecosystm

Neurodivergent Advantage Event with ACS

Our TechDiversity alliance with ACS for the Neurodivergent Advantage event was a voyage of exploration and enlightenment. Tasked with audience acquisition, marketing, and operations, we witnessed the beauty of diversity in a room pulsating with individuals keen on enhancing neurodiverse recruitment. It was a living tableau of progressive strides in workplace inclusivity.

Audience at the ACS Tech Diversity Event

Leveraging Technology for CultureCon Participation 

Our voyage of insights continued at CultureCon, where we delved into “Future-Proofing Workspaces.” The panel discussion was a rich soil for seeding ideas on adaptive and inclusive work environments, nurturing a vision for innovation-driven and inclusive workspaces.

ACS Neurodivergent and Tech Diversity event speaker Luli Adeyemo

As we gear up for the upcoming Spark Festival in collaboration with Tendertrace and Abu Odigie, CEO of Tendertrace, and a stellar line up of panel members, the essence of anticipation is in the air. The pathway ahead is rich with promises of learning, networking, and impactful dialogues.

Spark Festival - Best Case Scenario Sydney Event Management

With a heart full of gratitude and eyes set on the horizon filled with transformative engagements, we at Best Case Scenario are ready to embrace the exhilarating challenges and opportunities that beckon. Our story of impactful engagements is a ceaseless one, fueled by a relentless passion for driving meaningful change in the tech and healthcare sectors. Here’s to many more weeks of dynamic collaborations, insightful dialogues, and a steadfast journey towards making a resonant impact.

Reach out to us for more information on how we are working to transform events using technology.

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Spice News – Events Uncovered | Insights on authentic event planning, inclusion, and maximizing engagement

Key Takeaways from Luli Adeyemo's Discussion:

On Thursday, 10th August 2023, at the Sydney Masonic Centre, a panel discussion titled ‘Harnessing the power of creativity and human connection to deliver more engaging and inclusive events’ took place as part of the Events Uncovered conference. Luli Adeyemo, the Director and Founder of Best Case Scenario, was one of the esteemed panellists, alongside other industry leaders.

Authentic Creativity Over Aesthetic Flair: Luli emphasized the importance of authenticity in event planning. Instead of pursuing creativity for its own sake, it’s vital to understand the audience and the purpose of the event. Authenticity ensures that the event resonates with its attendees and serves its intended purpose effectively.

The Longevity of Engagement: An event’s success isn’t just about the day itself. Luli highlighted the importance of engaging with potential attendees well before the event starts. With significant time and investment going into each event, maximizing engagement before, during, and after the event is crucial.


Luli spoke on a panel featuring Anna Sheppard and Kai Raisbeck

Inclusion Matters: With 20% of the population having a disability, Luli underscored the importance of making events inclusive. This includes considering aspects like digital assets and color contrasts to ensure everyone can participate fully.

Redefining Metrics: While traditional metrics like attendee numbers and post-event surveys are essential, Luli pointed out the value of social media listening. Understanding attendees’ sentiments and feelings provides real metrics that can offer deeper insights into an event’s impact.

The Power of Human Connection: Luli reminisced about the ’90s, a time with limited channels of information. Today, with countless ways to access information, the real superpower of events is bringing people together. Networking and connecting with like-minded individuals over common topics is an unmatched experience.

Interactive Experiences: Luli shared an anecdote about a post-lunch silent disco and sensor vests at the conference. Such interactive experiences highlight how different people interact and the power of music in bringing everyone together.

Spice Magazine’s Events Uncovered conference, held on 10th August in Sydney, aimed to inspire attendees with new ideas, engaging conversations, and a celebration of the event industry. The conference showcased a line-up of inspirational leaders, fresh trends, innovative suppliers, and venue offerings, making it a must-attend for industry professionals.

As you can see below the silent disco added some energy to the room and certainly broke the ice for some really fun and engaging networking – who said events are boring? 

Reach out to Best Case Scenario for any of your event planning or marketing needs. 

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RainFocus | B2B Event Management Technology

Request a demo

Rainfocus has really shaken up event management technology and most recently has been named a Leader in The Forrester Wave: B2B Event Management Technology, Q1 2023 report. The report states, “Reference customers praise the integrated nature of the solution and RainFocus’ ability to listen and adapt.”

RainFocus is a cutting-edge platform that offers Unified Event Engagement, providing personalised experiences for each attendee.

Its robust features include:

• Data-driven insights
• Seamless integrations
• Advanced analytics

It enables event organisers to drive engagement, maximise ROI, and elevate their brand.

Luli Adeyemo, Director of Best Case Scenario, explains “the platform provides valuable insights that enable marketers to personalise their approach, speed up qualification and lead conversion, and close deals. In short, it is everything a savvy marketer could want from a platform”.

RainFocus received the highest possible scores in the following criteria:

• Event program management
• Event registration and management
• Event marketing
• Speaker management
• Exhibitor and sponsor management
• Environmental sustainability
• Event engagement
• Mobile accessibility
• Breakouts and collaboration
• Data capture and analytics
• Lead management
• Integrations

The Forrester Wave™: B2B Event Management Technology, Q1 2023 report.
Blog Case Study Featured Government News

Driving Meaningful Change: Let’s Rock Unveils the Power of Inclusive Workplaces

As the partnership unfolded, our shared vision became more apparent, —to celebrate diversity and champion inclusive workplaces. Our values aligned perfectly, fuelling our passion to support their ground-breaking initiative, Let’s Rock NSW, which was a transformative event that asked attendees to ‘Rethink Disability’ by challenging perceptions, sparking conversations, and activating lasting change.

This gathering brought together an extraordinary ensemble—NSW public sector employees, people with disability working in the public sector, esteemed senior executives, and passionate representatives from the disability sector. It was a harmonious tapestry of collaboration and inclusivity.

NSW Department of Customer Service photo of the Let’s Rock NSW event.

Image:  NSW Government’s first statewide hybrid disability inclusion event Let’s Rock NSW (source: LinkedIn post of NSW Department of Customer Service)

BCS’s involvement in Let’s Rock NSW was more than just to support their event operations; it was an unwavering commitment to how we too needed to redefine disability as we knew it. We both understood that diversity and inclusion were not just abstract concepts but vital pillars for innovation and success. This event became the perfect platform to showcase the positive impact of inclusive practices and shatter preconceived notions about disability.

Within the Let’s Rock event, a beacon of change/action emerged—the captivating keynote speaker, Dylan Alcott AO. As a world-renowned wheelchair tennis player, Paralympic gold medalist, and relentless disability advocate, Dylan shared his remarkable journey and accomplishments. His presence illuminated the room, igniting a collective realisation that assumptions should not be made about people with disability and that they quite often possess immeasurable talent that as an employer, you could be missing out on.  Through his story, attendees were compelled to create inclusive environments where everyone’s unique abilities were celebrated.

The event unfolded with a riveting panel discussion, where experts delved into the barriers encountered when striving for diverse workplaces. Their insights and lived experiences sparked a fire within attendees, challenging them to question traditional norms and embrace fresh perspectives.

Let’s Rock NSW shattered the glass ceiling of conventional thinking surrounding disability and inclusion. It showcased success stories and emphasised the immeasurable value of diverse perspectives. It became an embodiment of the contributions people with disability make in the NSW public sector. BCS felt an immense pride in being part of an initiative that invited attendees to revolutionise their mindset and strive for transformative change.

The impact of Let’s Rock NSW was profound and enduring. Participants departed with a renewed commitment to foster inclusive workplaces and become agents of change. They experienced a paradigm shift—a revelation that diversity and inclusion were not just buzzwords but catalysts for innovation, growth, and societal progress.

BCS want to share this remarkable collaboration and the tale of Let’s Rock NSW, with their own clients, illustrating NSW Government’s unwavering journey towards creating a truly diverse workforce.

Being part of this event is an affirmation that when organisations embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion, they set the stage for true greatness. And with each collaboration, BCS sought to propel this revelation forward, illuminating the path towards a brighter, more inclusive future.

Blog News Technology

Harnessing the Power of Video: How Best Case Scenario Helped Interactive Showcase Their Success in a Genuine and Authentic Way

Interactive approached Best Case Scenario because they needed a production partner who could help them create an authentic, engaging, and professional case study video that highlighted the key points of the project.

Best Case Scenario worked closely with Interactive to understand their objectives and gather the key questions they wanted to be answered in the video. They also made sure that the participants felt comfortable and natural during the filming process, so the video didn’t look scripted.

Best Case Scenario collaborated with CorpCast, their event tech partner, to create a professional video that captured the essence of the customer experience. They used their expertise in post-production to enhance the footage, add animations, and create a seamless flow that kept the audience engaged.

Luli Adeyemo


Interactive was extremely pleased with the positive outcome achieved through the video case study. They praised Best Case Scenario’s professionalism and attention to detail, which helped them create a video that accurately reflected the project’s success.

"Working with Best Case Scenario was an excellent experience for our team, hats off to the Best Case Scenario team, they made the participants of the video feel so comfortable and got the best out of them”, quoted Martine Jay, Senior Field Marketing Manager, Interactive. She continued, "They brought a level of expertise and creativity to the project that we wouldn't have been able to achieve on our own. The video they produced was outstanding, and we're confident it will help us drive more business."


Best Case Scenario and video production partner CorpCast were able to deliver a professional video that showcased the project’s success and value to potential clients. Best Case Scenario’s approach to the production process made the participants feel comfortable and natural, resulting in an authentic engagement that resonated with the audience.

Please reach out to Best Case Scenario if you would like to see our case study video package.

Bonus Content – 10 Impactful Guidelines for Case Study Video Creation

By following these tips, you can create impactful B2B video case studies that effectively showcase your success stories and influence potential customers.

  1. Define your objective: Clearly identify the purpose of your video case study. Is it to showcase a successful implementation, highlight customer satisfaction, or demonstrate the benefits of your product/service? Having a clear objective will guide your entire storytelling process.

  2. Select the right customer: Choose a customer whose experience aligns closely with your target audience. Ensure they have achieved significant results or overcome specific challenges with the help of your solution. This will make the case study more relevant and relatable to potential customers.

  3. Plan your story arc: Structure your video case study with a compelling narrative. Start by introducing the customer’s challenge or pain point, then showcase how your product/service provided a solution. Highlight the specific results or outcomes achieved and conclude with a strong call to action.

  4. Keep it concise: B2B audiences have limited attention spans, so keep your video case study concise and focused. Aim for a duration of 2-3 minutes to maintain engagement. Trim unnecessary details and focus on the most impactful aspects of the customer’s journey.

  5. Use visuals effectively: Visuals play a crucial role in capturing viewers’ attention and conveying information. Incorporate engaging footage, relevant product/service demonstrations, and on-screen text to highlight key messages. Consider using graphics, animations, or customer testimonials to enhance the storytelling.

  6. Feature customer testimonials: Include interviews or testimonials from the customer to add credibility and authenticity. Let them share their firsthand experience, challenges faced, and the positive impact your solution had on their business. Authentic and genuine testimonials can greatly influence potential customers.

  7. Showcase measurable results: Highlight the measurable results or key metrics achieved by the customer after implementing your solution. Whether it’s increased revenue, cost savings, improved efficiency, or customer satisfaction, quantifiable outcomes provide tangible evidence of your solution’s value.

  8. Add a strong call to action: End the video case study with a clear call to action, directing viewers on the next steps they should take. This could include visiting your website, contacting your sales team, or requesting a demo. Make it easy for viewers to engage with your company after watching the case study.

  9. Promote and distribute effectively: Once the video case study is ready, ensure it reaches your target audience. Share it on relevant platforms such as your website, social media channels, email newsletters, and industry-specific communities. Consider leveraging paid advertising or partnering with industry influencers to expand its reach.

  10. Measure and optimise: Track the performance of your video case study by monitoring engagement metrics, such as views, click-through rates, and conversions. Use this data to refine your approach and optimise future video case studies for better results.

Blog Government News

Helping Tech Sales & Marketing Professionals Sell To Government

Picture of Luli Adeyemo
Luli Adeyemo

For many years now I had conversations with sales and marketing teams who use large amounts of their already stretched resources to create solid sales and marketing strategies to meet their KPIs. I have also, in the past worked with industry associations hosting events for technology innovators and Government representatives to get them to work together to ensure that everyone gets a fair outcome, a sort of match-making session.

Challenges still exist, and those of you who know me, know that I am enthusiastic about the power of data insights to drive successful marketing and sales campaigns.

That is why I have decided to host a series of four insightful 15-minute discussions with an expert Government sales executive who has designed a government market intelligence platform that helps tech sales and marketing teams use real data insights for successful outcomes.

We all know that data-driven insights are the only robust method to ensure success, a recent Gartner study revealed that Government attributes 68% of tech buying process delays to a lack of specific information from the technology provider. I am surprised by this result, and I am sure there are many of you who disagree with this percentage.

Selling to Government is not an easy task, but with the right information and strategies, it can be a successful and profitable endeavour.

The aim of these discussions is to provide sales and marketing with actionable insights and tips that they can take back to their organisations and use to improve their success in selling to Government. Even if you cannot attend the live sessions, we will send you the recording and summary from each discussion, so you can still benefit from the information shared.

During our discussion series, we will explore how Tendertrace’s data insights can help technology companies navigate the complex and often frustrating process of selling into Government.

For many years now I had conversations with sales and marketing teams who use large amounts of their already stretched resources to create solid sales and marketing strategies to meet their KPIs. I have also, in the past worked with industry associations hosting events for technology innovators and Government representatives to get them to work together to ensure that everyone gets a fair outcome, a sort of match-making session.

Challenges still exist, and those of you who know me, know that I am enthusiastic about the power of data insights to drive successful marketing and sales campaigns.

That is why I have decided to host a series of four insightful 15-minute discussions with an expert Government sales executive who has designed a government market intelligence platform that helps tech sales and marketing teams use real data insights for successful outcomes.

We all know that data-driven insights are the only robust method to ensure success, a recent Gartner study revealed that Government attributes 68% of tech buying process delays to a lack of specific information from the technology provider. I am surprised by this result, and I am sure there are many of you who disagree with this percentage.

For many years now I had conversations with sales and marketing teams who use large amounts of their already stretched resources to create solid sales and marketing strategies to meet their KPIs. I have also, in the past worked with industry associations hosting events for technology innovators and Government representatives to get them to work together to ensure that everyone gets a fair outcome, a sort of match-making session.

Challenges still exist, and those of you who know me, know that I am enthusiastic about the power of data insights to drive successful marketing and sales campaigns.

That is why I have decided to host a series of four insightful 15-minute discussions with an expert Government sales executive who has designed a government market intelligence platform that helps tech sales and marketing teams use real data insights for successful outcomes.

We all know that data-driven insights are the only robust method to ensure success, a recent Gartner study revealed that Government attributes 68% of tech buying process delays to a lack of specific information from the technology provider. I am surprised by this result, and I am sure there are many of you who disagree with this percentage.

There are four sessions

10th May @5pm
Are you tired of not hitting the mark with Government buying teams when it comes to selling tech? Read more…

Dates to be released for the following sessions shortly, to receive updates please follow Tendertrace on LinkedIN.

How are tech sales and marketing professionals staying ahead of competitors when it comes to the Australian Government selecting cyber security solutions? Read more…

Why selling digital transformation services to the Australian Government requires a deep understanding of their ever-changing tech buying patterns. Read more…

Government Data centre and cloud service providers must be able to sell effectively into legacy infrastructure, how can data insights help drive this