
Turning away clients helps our event management business

Seriously, I don’t like turning away business, but I had to graciously decline a brief recently. It’s important to me that we are a perfect ‘fit’ for our clients and our team remain focused on what they do best.

A taster of the brief…

“to manage a Halloween party for 60 students and teachers, (with a $400 budget for the tap bar – ‘at least’)”.

On the upside, Best Case Scenario are appealing to the millennial generation, after all 13% of Millennials are making B2B buying decisions, and an additional 28% are influencing that decision-making (source: SnapApp).

My business relies heavily on customer referrals, this means referred business is a better match for our services – because the person making the referral knows both us and the referee. Organisations do not want to spend time waiting for a PCO (Professional Conference Organiser) to get up to speed with their industry, hence why we get our bulk of referrals from within Government, Health and Technology sectors.

We especially enjoy sitting in a room with a group of like-minded people shooting ideas around –

  • how to do we get the most out of sponsorship investment at a Cybersecurity event?
  • how can we simplify Artificial Intelligence and demonstrate its capabilities?
  • who can we get to talk about different technology issues, such as security, data, automation?
  • which influential people from Government can we bring together to have a conversation that can make a difference?
  • how can we get more from this event, as it’s not just an isolated activity – we need more than just a one hit wonder!
  • And our ultimate favourite: Why would a person attend this? What’s in it for them?

It’s easy to see why the student Halloween party didn’t really push our buttons, I’m sure it will be a really fun event, but our passion lies in making a difference for our clients and the industry they are involved in.

For those of you in doubt of the types of events we work on see our case studies or Success Stories as we like to call them. There is a recap over our 2018 event schedule.

News Technology

Microsoft’s Artificial Intelligence 3rd Party Events

The Best Case Scenario event management team are delighted to be part of Microsoft’s goal of successfully demonstrating the practical use of AI today. Microsoft will demonstrate how they are taking an industry-leading approach to responsible and ethical AI. Our job is to ensure that they get the most out of their sponsorship presence at three AI 3rd party events.

The Planning

The team really enjoyed taking part in the journey of providing input for the build and visuals for Microsoft’s exhibitor stand, it is very innovative, creative and interactive with the aim of taking delegates from a general understanding of AI to getting hands on with their tools. Our expert events team started their event management support in Sydney  on September 10th at IoT Impact, a two-day learning campus for Australian business executives. The Best Case Scenario Event Management team will then work with Microsoft on the AI & Machine Learning Summit, September 11-13. It doesn’t stop there, the third event where Microsoft will demonstrate their leadership in AI is at AI Digital Summit Victoria (October 18th).

Juice Bar Powered by AI at the AI & Machine Learning Summit

Microsoft at AI and Machine Learning Summit

Delegates will experience their very own perfect juice powered by Microsoft Azure.  The delegate stands in front of a screen that has a webcam behind it, they are shown three images to evoke a reaction – the AI platform matches the attendee reaction to the images to a juice.

"It’s an event series like this that the team at Best Case Scenario excel at, their ability to move onto the next event seamlessly and get the most out of sponsorship investment through efficiencies and adaptability is of real benefit to our client's ROI".


Web accessibility is the future

Results from a poll at a recent webinar saw 100% of respondents indicated that web accessibility is a priority for their future events. This is a great indication to me that web accessibility and inclusion is indeed at the forefront of Australian event planning.

Meetings and Events Australia (MEA) invited us to host a webinar for their members on July 12th, it gave us an opportunity to interact with an influential audience who can bring about change.  The audience included marketing/event managers from Government, major event venues and technology organisations.

Conversation starter

The purpose of the webinar was to assist our attendees to start a conversation around web accessibility within their organisation. We have made the slides from the webinar available on SlideShare for everyone to share.

Questions asked…

Questions were asked during the webinar that really demonstrated to me that interest in this area is genuine and growing. For example, one delegate is planning to build a new website for their business and asked if there is a list they should use as a guideline to ensure accessibility. Another question was around colour contrast and its importance. If you are curious to find out more watch the recording of the video below.

Change from the top down 

The usual step after someone takes our web accessibility health check is to review the results internally and start a discussion with their IT department. This is great, but I’m also of the opinion that change needs to take place from the top down.

Organisations want their events to be web accessible and this is an excellent place to start as event websites are like the windows to the soul of a business. However, a total cultural change comes about from executive involvement. My hope is that every webinar, blog, article published on web accessibility will eventually reach the powers that be and it will be seen as a team effort.

Where do we go from here? 

Well, I’m going to continue to host a series of free webinars on web accessibility. Each webinar will take delegates further along the journey of web accessibility, the next one is a practical, hands-on webinar. I have invited Humanitix to participate, an amazing Australian charity that is changing our events industry for the better – both social inclusion and accessibility are top of their agenda. Peppermint magazine has described them as ‘change makers’, they have won numerous awards, most recently Microsoft’s Hack4Good at PwC’s Barangaroo offices, focused on hacking solutions for people with disabilities.

BTW – 100% of participants who offered feedback on our webinar said they would recommend it to a work colleague 😉

Join, participate or just observe the conversation now and tag us on Linkedin / Facebook @webaccessibilityforeventplanners


Find the right corporate event management company in Sydney

Hiring a corporate event management company to handle the organisation.

If you’re totally new to events management, or need to host a corporate event that’s never been done before then it’s always wise to take stock and be clear on how demanding or complex the task ahead is so that you can select the right option. If you decide that hiring in an event management company in Sydney is the right step for you then here are all the things you should know, before you make your selection.

1. Be 100% clear on what you want and need.

If you’re starting from scratch then it’s always a good idea to make an event wish list to make sure the corporate events company can deliver on exactly what you need. You don’t need to get into too much detail at this point but do be specific and concise, for example:
  • Do you need someone who has experience of working with Government authorities or specialises in running events for technology companies?
  • Will you need them to find professional speakers for you or do you already have them?
  • Do you have the necessary contacts to make this a stand out event or do you need access to a network of professionals?
  • There are lots of event management companies to choose from in Sydney, so knowing what you want will mean you can easily rule out any companies that don’t meet your minimum requirements quickly and efficiently.

2. Do a background check

As with any new supplier or partner, you need to factor in doing your research before you sign the contract to work with them. Check out the offices If you’ve opted to go with a small or new events company then take a visit to their offices. Ask them for examples of corporate events they’ve run and if they have any references you could call or speak to in person. Meet the team Another recommendation is to ask if you can meet the team you’ll be working with. Learn more about their personal background and ask them what they can bring to your corporate event. At Best Case Scenario we consider our staff to be our unique selling point and each team member is fully trained and experienced when it comes to Events Operations. We are passionate about getting to know our our clients industry, and welcome you to give us a call if you’re thinking about hosting a corporate event. Don’t forget the website or social media Any experienced corporate events company with a solid reputation should be able to send you in the direction of happy customers who can give you a glowing recommendation. Don’t forget to check their website for events success stories to get a better understanding. Search for some of their previous events online and check social media posts, reviews and write ups to see what others thought of the event. Take a look through any photos or video footage you can find to get a real feel of the quality. Look for creativity Just because it’s a business or corporate event doesn’t mean it has to be uninspired and follow standard protocol of ‘what’s expected’. If you’ve put together a great brief then sit with the companies and listen to their ideas and advice. You want to choose a company that inspires and excites you when you talk to them. In today’s competitive corporate and business creating a memorable experience is key to success – so look to work with events professionals in Sydney who inspire you.

3. Will they give your event the competitive edge?

With the constant stream of new technology in every aspect of modern day life it’s easy to fall behind with the latest advancements. However events and corporate event planning are evolving into new, dynamic formats and so it’s essential that you engage an company that can make sure your event stands out from the crowd and give you the competitive edge. At Best Case Scenario we primarily use Cvent and Ivy registration platforms at events, but not exclusively. The team are also adept at getting familiar with any technology or mobile apps organisations wish to use on site, whether it’s an integrated mobile app for event registration right through to polls or downloading literature.  Best Case Scenario’s event management is proud to announce it is in the process of joining the Microsoft Supplier Program, which means we are one of their preferred suppliers for event management services in Australia. In addition we are WeConnect certified, a global network that connects women-owned businesses to qualified buyers around the world. It pays to establish the quality, validity and experience a corporate events management company has. If you are planning on hosting an upcoming event and are looking for an experienced corporate event management company then get in touch with us today.

The ultimate event checklist

Whether it’s your first event or your fifty first, planning an event or large meeting can be a stressful experience. Every event has many moving parts, and to help things run smoothly (and to plan), it’s always a good idea to keep track of which tasks need to be completed, and when. To help you manage your time when hosting your next event our team of experienced event managers have put together some top tips on what you need to consider when creating an checklist for your own event. This list of key points can be used whether you are planning a meeting, a small corporate event or charity event.

Event Budget

Before you start any event planning you need to establish the budget you have to work with, so this should always feature as an item right at the top of your checklist.
  • How much budget you have
  • When deposits need to be paid
  • Budget approval timeline

Venue and location

An equally important task is to secure the venue. Once you’ve found the perfect venue for your event make sure you make a note to check off the following points:
  • Have you confirmed the dates and signed the contract?
  • When does a deposit need to be paid and what is the agreed payment schedule?
  • Food and beverage packages agreed
  • Floorplans (for each room) confirmed
  • Have you confirmed the AV requirements?

Event Program Management

Another group of tasks on your event checklist should be related to what’s actually going to happen on the day.
  • Have you confirmed the agenda for the event?
  • Have you confirmed the speakers?
  • Do you need entertainment?
  • Have all relevant parties been briefed?
  • Do they need any accommodation?
  • Have you collated any presentations, handouts or information for people to takeaway?

Event Sponsorship

Lining up the right sponsor is often a crucial step in ensuring the success of an event. So start planning early.
  • Have you agreed on the sponsorship packages?
  • Have you identified potential sponsors and have they been contacted?
  • Do the sponsors require an area at the event?
  • Sponsorship signage
  • Do you require expert help to source the right sponsor?

Marketing and Promotion

Making sure you have a clear marketing and promotion plan in place well in advance of your event is key to making sure it’s a sell out success and people show up!
  • Create marketing and promotion plan
  • Get promo material to the designers
  • Build a website and optimise it for the search engines
  • Submit event info to all relevant event listing websites
  • Write and distribute a press release

Attendee Management

Creating a great first impression and welcoming experience is a really important aspect of any event. Make sure you tick all the boxes by considering the points below.
  • Have all attendees been invited and confirmed?
  • Can people register online and if so have you created the online form?
  • How are you going to handle registration at the event?
  • Have attendees been sent all essential event info (directions, parking instructions etc.)

Post event

Don’t forget that once the event is over there are still a few tasks to complete to wrap things up.
  • Thank you emails, letters, calls to performers, staff and volunteers and sponsors
  • Evaluation and debrief with all key stakeholders
  • Finalise and close the budget
  • Event survey sent and analysed
  • Make note of how to improve the event next time!
If you want some professional help to tackle this event checklist then get in touch with the Best Case Scenario team today.

Are Australian events digitally inclusive?

There is no doubt that venues and event planners across Australia take accessibility and inclusion seriously, especially when it comes to physical access to meeting rooms, transportation, signage etc. Unfortunately, in many cases the same type of consideration isn’t taken in a digital environment. Our new service is featured in CIM Business Events.

I became aware of this when NSW Government and National Disability Insurance Scheme approached Best Case Scenario Event Management to build a web accessibility compliant registration platform. As an event management company based in Sydney for over 10 years, we know our industry wants to be more inclusive and diverse.

Many Australian event planners are at risk because of web accessibility gaps in their event registration platforms and other digital platforms.

Event planners are unaware that in Australia under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 websites are required to be accessible. In addition, disability discrimination accounts for the highest volume of complaints (37%) to the Australian Human Rights Commission and this number is steadily increasing.

I have invested heavily in training my staff as well as partnering with web accessibility auditor me2 Accessibility to deliver an end-to-end accessibility compliant web and registration platform service for the events industry.

If event venues wish to extend this invitation to their clients or include our services in their event handbook then please contact us directly,

Government News Technology

Powerhouse of speakers at the NSW Government Summit

The annual AIIA NSW Navigating Digital Government Summit (May 11, 2018) focuses on emerging technologies that are on the digital horizon, such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, gamification, deep learning and quantum computing.

Government summits where thought leaders gather to create change is where our team love to be.  We have helped shape the agenda with Dr Ian Oppermann, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Data Scientist | Data Analytics Centre, who also hosts a panel with guests from Industry, Academia and Government to discuss the theme, ‘Digital from the Outside’.

Best Case Scenario director Luli Adeyemo worked with Ian Oppermann in structuring the program for the AIIA NSW Navigating Digital Government Summit. Their aim was to invite speakers and focus on topics that would result in AIIA members and summit delegates having fruitful conversations around how emerging technologies may shape Government thinking, policy and service delivery approaches.  The event has attracted an audience of 100+ Executives from the ICT Sector, Government Departments and Agencies.

As program director Luli works with the The AIIA NSW Government Special Interest Group (SIG) a key group for:

  • Professional Networking
  • Sharing of business intelligence
  • Policy innovation
  • Engagement with NSW Government DFSI and agencies
  • Innovation and market development

The team at Best Case Scenario also manages the engagement of high profile speakers, by briefing all speakers on content and attendance.  These speakers include Government representatives and thought leaders.

Damon Rees
Chief Executive Officer,  Service NSW

Linda Spencer
NSW Government State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA)

Charles Salinas
Procurement Advisor, NSW Department of Finance Services and Innovation

Hilary Cinis
User Experience Design Group Leader, Data61 CSIRO

Marilyn Chilvers
Executive Director, Data Analytics Centre, NSW Treasury & NSW Dept of Family and Community Services

Ben Gales
Executive Director, Economic Strategy | NSW Treasury

Nazia Ahmed
Director | The Social Outcomes Lab (ex-Director Economic Analysis and Modelling, FACS)

Luli’s event team were also heavily involved in the marketing, planning and execution of the summit, including:

  • Sponsor recruitment
  • Venue source and scope
  • Coordinate food and beverage requirements
  • Manage audio visual requirements
  • Budget preparation and management
  • Manage sponsor participation and expectations
  • Identify and communicate marketing opportunities to sponsors
  • Manage all registration requirements including onsite registration, name badge preparation and distribution, detailed registration reports
  • Manage post-event analysis and reporting
  • Execute delegate feedback survey, analyse and present results

Intel’s amazing pro gamer conference

As a full service event management company based in Sydney, we get our fair share of great events to work on and this year’s Intel® Extreme Masters is no exception.  The video below is footage from the actual event.

Intel® Extreme Masters is the longest running global pro gaming tour in the world, which started in 2006. It is returning to Australia this May and the elite gaming competition will expand as sixteen world-class Counter-Strike: Global Offensive teams compete live in Sydney, at Qudos Bank Arena for a record prize pool of USD$250,000 (AUD$310,000). To leverage the Asia Pacific gaming community coming together in Sydney for the event, Intel invited their top partners, resellers and competition winners to a series of pre-events to see first-hand why Intel’s next generation of performance technology is leading the way. For this series of pre-events, our team are working with Intel across a number of regions. Coordinating logistics and providing end to end event services to ensure all registrants experience a seamless and hassle-free registration process. In addition the Best Case Scenario team are supporting the event marketing function, on-site demonstration setup and venue management. Our team has gone all out to help create an amazing experience for the pro gamer community.

Our Event Management Services at Intel Extreme Masters

  • Produce marketing communication content to invite and engage the Intel Extreme Masters guests and delegates
  • Set up the conference registration platform and provide regular registration updates to our client
  • Manage the event’s audio-visual needs
  • Coordinate and setup onsite demonstrations
  • Provide onsite support for all delegates
  • Manage name badge creation and registration

'Our team are very excited to be part of this event, it's different from our usual Government, Health and technology events - but our high standards in event service delivery style and quality will stay the same'.


Best Case Scenario share core values with Microsoft

Best Case Scenario event management (BCS) is proud to announce it is has ben selected to be on the Microsoft Supplier Program, which means we are one of their preferred suppliers for event management services in Australia.

BCS is part of a diverse supplier base who share core values assisting Microsoft to fulfil their mission. We are one of two WeConnect Internal Certified businesses on the program which means Microsoft is purchasing services from women-owned businesses that meet universal standards for certification.

For over 10 years the team at BCS have delivered event services to Australian businesses and Government. We have always kept to our values of delivering an event service that is responsive, reliable, scalable and committed. This commitment has paid off and our good work has spread like wild fire within the industry and many of our clients come to us via referrals and word of mouth.

Stay tuned for another exciting announcement that is close to my heart, make sure you follow us on LinkedIn.


Digital accessibility for delegates at DiverseAbility

Our team configured the conference registration platform to ensure it meets standards as per W3C’s WCAG2.0 accessibility guidelines. Digital accessibility is key at DiverseAbility: NDIS Inclusion Conference, our team ensure that all registrants experience a seamless and hassle-free registration process. Our team also worked on another digital accessibility project with NSW Department of Family and Community Services, on their two-day conference Live, Work, Play: The State of Inclusion. Being part on these projects has opened our eyes to the needs of an audience that are largely forgotten during an event planning process. Many organisations are unknowingly excluding delegates with a disability from their event,  of which 32% are managers and professionals (source: Human Rights Commission). There has always been an emphasis on physical access, but now digital accessibility should also be paramount, extending to accessible digital apps and digital marketing material. Our event deliverables at DiverseAbility: NDIS Inclusion Conference
  • Ensure the conference registration platform meets standards as per W3C’s WCAG2.0 accessibility guidelines
  • Provide support onsite for all delegates
  • Act as the main point of contact for delegates throughout the campaign process, processing telephone calls and general enquiries regarding the event
  • Continually provide registration updates to our client
  • Available onsite to set-up and manage the registration process
At some point in our lifetime at least 70% of us will have a temporary or permanent disability. When planning an event, it’s highly likely you will have delegates of different abilities. There are 2.1 million Australians of working age with disability and 32% of those are managers & professionals. Contact us today and we will ensure digital accessibility is ticked off your event planning list.