Featured Government Healthcare News SMB Technology

Government as a Buyer, Government as a User

I was keen to moderate this panel as many of my technology clients struggle with the Government procurement process, often making it extremely resourcing draining, especially for those in the SMB tech sector, who may not have the resources to stick with it, unlike the big tech players in the market.

 I experienced much needed optimism at the launch of The Innovation Papers in Canberra, they are full of policy ideas and inspiration for Australian industry policy.  I was delighted to be one of the contributors with a focus on embracing workplace diversity to build a strong economy,  you can pick up a copy here.

Throughout the event I observed an organic and unofficial theme of collaboration, which aligns with what I’ve always thought, multi-disciplinary collaboration is what is needed on a state and local level with many stakeholders to improve collaboration between the industry and Government.

The Innovation Papers does exactly that, it brings people from all corners of the industry with diverse backgrounds to share insights and ideas to ignite real action.

I moderated a panel with three contributors of The Innovation Papers;

  • Dr Lesley Seebeck, ANU, Moving beyond (just) delivery
  • Catherine Thompson, Hypereal, The digital marketplace and procurement reform
  • Marina Yastreboff, Australian Society for Computers and the Law, Rules as Code – Challenges and opportunities for lawmakers

I recommend you listen to the full 13 minute discussion, below I summarise some key points that stood out for me.

What is the one thing we can do to campaign for that impact and change that we need?

  • Catherine Thompson choose public accountability,  essential to have dialogue and understand why decisions are taking place.
  • Dr Lesley Seebeck urges Government to publish every bit of data and track it. She mentioned she was aware of community groups effectively doing this right now.
  • Marina Yastreboff recommends to make our laws and rules understandable and interrogate and promote a participatory democracy.

Having conversations such as these especially in Canberra will bring these issues to the fore and I’m very happy to support this, other points I picked up during the discussion include.

  • Make Government data transparent and make it accurate to enable more informed debates.
  • The mindset needs to shift from bureaucracy. We must deliver economic and social outcomes that lead to better a government and better wellbeing for people in communities.
  • Rules as code, the concept of writing digital government rules, legislation, regulation, standards, and policy is an opportunity to build better ways to consult the public and explain how the rules will work.
  • We need Government to lead and modernise its IT effort so it supports democracy, it’s a marathon and not sprint and should not fit in with election cycles.  Dr Lesley Seebeck did a tremendous job outlining four key areas of change, to learn more about them, please watch the recording.

The Innovation Papers: Part 6 – Panel. Dr Lesley Seebeck, Cath Thompson, Marina Yastreboff and Luli Adeyemo

Embrace workplace diversity to build a stronger economy

With the latest Census data showing Australia to be more culturally diverse than ever, leaders in the public and private sectors now face one of the nation’s most significant and pressing challenges – achieving workplace diversity...
Picture of Luli Adeyemo
Luli Adeyemo

Founder & Managing Director, Best Case Scenario | Director, TechDiversity Foundation

About Best Case Scenario

Founded in 2007, Best Case Scenario create business opportunities to empower change-makers. They believe in the power of people to create meaningful change. They leverage strong relationships within the Technology, Government, Financial and Health sector to bring the right people together to have meaningful conversations. They work with ambitious companies to help them grow and achieve outstanding results.

Connect direct with Best Case Scenario’s Founder and Director, Luli Adeyemo at


Transform online meetings into meaningful experiences

Since we joined forces with research firm Ecosystm, organisations approach us to leverage their thought leadership. Coupled with our ability to transform content for online delivery, it ensures our clients stay front of mind in their industry. Together, both Ecosystm & Best Case Scenario deliver a framework for clients and prospects to interact with their peers and thought leaders – getting answers to questions and a better understanding of market trends and changes. From virtual round-tables to online intimate panel discussions we can provide end to end management or we can customise offerings depending on your resource. online webinar offerings Visuals speak louder than words, below is a sample of how a virtual webinar looks to clients and prospects.
  1. Webinar Platform Logistics & Front End Landing Page Creation
Online Webinar Registration Page 2. Webinar Overview – Content Supported by Real Research for Added Credibility  Webinar Leadership Content 3. Key Take Homes & Messaging Clearly Defined  Webinar Key Takehomes 4. Generate a Post Webinar Thought Leadership Report  This is where our clients find true value in hosting online discussions, this report serves as follow-up piece to not only participants, but also clients, prospects, media and other key stakeholders who consider our client as trusted advisers within their industry. (Please note this is a sample of report and not related to the above webinar, which is currently in progress) Thought Leadership Report The key benefit for all business leaders in Technology, Government and Health is that we do the leg work in terms of meeting your key objectives, by using our tried and tested framework for guaranteed success. Please contact me at to discuss if our framework is suitable for you.
Healthcare News

Human-to-human engagement… all in a day’s work

Best Case Scenario’s Director, Luli Adeyemo is humbled by speakers, blown away by presentation visuals and bringing a focus on challenges facing the metropolitan population of NSW

I have a genuine interest in all of my client’s industries and this is where I learn about trends, opportunities and synergies emerging between different sectors, in particular technology, government and health.  One of the perks of my job is being able to attend our client’s sessions and speak with delegates and speakers.

Yesterday, I was brought to tears by Biomedical engineer Jordan Nguyan, who spoke at a conference Best Case Scenario managed – Private Healthcare Australia Conference.  I was humbled by his mission in life is to improve the lives of as many people as possible and to be a driving force behind positive human and technological evolution into the future.  There were other great sessions also such as ‘Disruption of private health from the inside – will this save the sector?’ and ‘Patient’s and their medical records – much more than just accessing their data’.

November has been a busy month for the team at Best Case Scenario, kicking off with our own event AI-In-Medicine (AIMed) early November. Yesterday, November 28th was an epic day for the BCS team in terms of event management – between them they ran four events on this day.  A briefing on behalf of AIIA NSW Healthcare Briefing- Local Health Districts, as mentioned above a conference showcasing the best of the Australian Private Healthcare industry, managing Microsoft’s sponsorship engagement at LGIT 2019 Conference and Exhibition that attracted representatives of local government, state government agencies and business corporations and also in Canberra, Microsoft’s excitement days targeted at their clients.

We are truly blessed to be part of the human to human engagement platforms that are important to the lives of Australians.  We of course welcome in 2020 with a plethora of small briefings, intimate round tables, spectacular summits and engaging conferences in our core sectors – Government, Technology & Health.

Human to human engagement

Human to human engagement is what my team does best, we have capacity to use the experience and knowledge we have gained for new projects. Please email us if you are thinking of ways to engage with your clients.

Highlights  – Team BCS running four events in one day!


The Safe Children Conference 2019

The team and I sat down with this unique request for tender before Christmas, we read through it carefully and decided collectively we wanted to be part of this.

The technology industry is fast paced and busy so it’s easy to live in a bubble, this isn’t a bad thing, it just means it’s easier to overlook what is going on outside of our bubble.

For all those corporate executives who were shocked by the revelations of The Royal Commission’s report into institutional responses to child sexual abuse, where over 8,000 private sessions were held with abuse survivors and 4,000 institutes were reviewed over allegations of sexual abuse, there is a way we the corporate world can contribute and prevent this from happening again.

The BCS team are now working on the Safe Children Conference 2019 hosted by The Child Abuse Prevention Service (CAPS) that educates & provides the tools to implement child safe principles recommended in the report from The Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.  We have just finalised the sponsorship packages for the conference and are gearing up to take registrations from agencies and professionals who work with children shortly.

Empowerment, Prevention & Protection

CAPS who host the conference have been running safe children, safe families programs for some time now. Their valuable community work has long reaching consequence for child safety and adult awareness. Their unique programs have significant influence over children’s capacity to understand, absorb and implement protective behaviours information. It’s this proactive approach on educating carers, parents and children to identify early warning signals that will reduce the amount of abuse cases in Australia. CAPs is a not for profit and registered charity, their donations can only go so far.

How can corporates help to protect and prevent?

Part of the reason I took on this project is because I know that large corporates are no longer assessed by their financial performance, social impact and the relationship they have with their community are just as important metrics.  Any organisation can support this from technology, retail, Government to consumer good organisations and more.

“Australian businesses are recognising the intensifying call to action to serve a social purpose, with 84% of Australian survey respondents citing corporate citizenship as important or very important”

Support Change

Contact us for a support pack to see how your organisation can help.


Hiring event management support

Event Management Support | Contract Role in Sydney

Do not apply for this role if you are fond of hand holding. Please apply for this role if you are looking for an organisation that respects a healthy work life balance and has a supportive, dynamic and fun working environment where team members are encouraged to make their mark and ‘shine through’.

WARNING ROLE SIDE EFFECTS:  This role will also offer up a healthy amount of learning and development preventing the onset of boredom.

Best Case Scenario (BCS) is a high energy, dynamic event management workplace where B2B events are marketed and managed by BCS on behalf of their clients from the following industries: Technology, Education, Financial Services, Government and Health.

If it’s variety you are looking for as well as continual personal and professional development then BCS is waiting for you. We encourage our team members to make a mark in the events industry and many of the team publish their experiences on the BCS blog section, as well as share experiences via social media. Below is just a sampling of BCS team generated content.

Australian event professionals reveal 6 meeting and event trends for 2019

Is event social media marketing enough of a drawcard?

Delegate journey mapping, why do delegates have varying experiences at event?

Client Video: Intel Extreme Masters

We encourage staff to be proactive and share their successes.

Where are we?

We are based in the heart of one of Sydney’s most vibrant suburbs, Surry Hills.

Who would suit this role?

We would love to hear from you if you grasp information quickly and manage a project almost immediately. This job would suit an individual who has a minimum of three years event experience and looking to progress their career in B2B events.

  • Dynamic and adaptable? then most certainly apply, as BCS manage multiple events on behalf of our clients, each event is different so if you are always looking for new challenges and opportunities then look no further.
  • A bit of a dynamo at administration. The position requires an individual who has extremely strong administration skills that include – managing budget spreadsheets, using excel or word for project management purposes.
  • Showcase great interpersonal skills, as you will be working with clients up to executive level. Nurturing client relationships and managing client expectations is an important part of the skill set required. You will also need to effectively support and muck in with BCS team members.
  • Troubleshooting on your feet is a piece of cake for you
    The position requires you to think on your feet, multi-task and use your initiative when needed.
  • A snap shot of your tasks
    • Marketing support (not a necessity but some knowledge an advantage)
    • Pre-event planning & deliverable execution with clients & vendors
    • Maintaining operations budgets (high proficiency of excel)
    • Data Management (excel and capability of grasping new software if required)
    • Venue search and negotiation (managing information and presenting it clearly – project management)
    • Food and beverage management
    • Audio visual coordination
    • Logistics
    • Speaker management (document and track all speaker requirements – project management)
    • Sponsor management (document and track all speaker requirements – project management)
    • Vast administration support

Skills & Experience

  • Proficient MS office suite (Excel, PowerPoint, Word)
  • Ability to multi-task and excellent time management skills
  • Ability to work independently
  • Ability to organise workload efficiently
  • Calm exterior under pressure
  • Project management skills
  • Organisation of travel arrangements
  • Strong organisational skills
  • Deadline oriented
  • Ability to travel interstate

Interested? Please send your CV to


Australian event professionals reveal 6 meeting and event trends for 2019

Luli Adeyemo, asked her team at Best Case Scenario, who have worked on over 100 events this year for their Government, Technology and Health sector clients to reveal their top B2B Meeting and Event Trends for 2019.  These trends are based on real experiences and knowledge.

Engagement, the human touch, smaller events, sponsorship fatigue and stuffing the funnel are just some trends discussed by the team.

End user needs are changing the structure of channel partner events as predicted by Greg Waghorn, Channel Partner Program Director

Man reading a brochure - end user going to an event

Greg’s 2019 trend is an interesting prediction and is extremely end user focused, Greg works with the channel and research shows that live events are a priority marketing tactic for channel development and customer acquisition strategies. 81% of marketers use in-person events in their B2B marketing strategy (Content Marketing Institute, 2016).

Greg predicts there will be an increase in the number of multi-vendor/partner events. He justifies this with some observed truths he picked up while working with the channel in 2018.

  • End-users have less time to go to a multitude of individual vendor led events
  • End-users have the prospect of learning how several products integrate with each other and the business at one session, enabling them to make informed decisions on product selection quicker.
  • The channel will be able to create more of a “WOW’ factor at the event, with more funding being available from several stakeholders.

Greg’s observation is also supported by external research, in 2018 Forrester predicted a resurgence of channel partner communities, where like minded, specialized partners share best practices and strength in numbers.

In November, results of the first-ever worldwide study on the economic significance of face-to-face business events were issued by the Events Industry Council (EIC). Australia was ranked 8th out of 50 countries in terms of direct impact of business events on the economy and volume of participants.

More meaningful conversations at events as predicted by Best Case Scenario Director, Luli Adeyemo.

Human touch at Business Events

One trend in the B2B world is a delegate’s desire for meaningful conversations in an intimate setting. This doesn’t mean big events are going to become unpopular, it means that organisers of large events need to factor in opportunities for attendees to have meaningful discussions via smaller workshops/discussion groups.  Through my experience it’s not all about the content and technology developments, it’s about remembering we are human and engaging in the basic human interaction of talking.

Event organisers need to find ways to harness these conversations into action and breathe life into them long after the event has finished.

An increased focus on elevating customer experience at B2B events as predicted by Jen Le, Event Manager, Best Case Scenario

Great delegate experience, smiling delegate

Jen Le predicts a similar trend on the rise for 2019, an increased focus on elevating customer experience at B2B events. In particular, how exhibitors can leverage their presence in an engaging way that provides value to their audience. As a hands-on event manager Jen Le has seen the growing focus on conversation and engagement at events.

After all 95% of marketers agree that live events provide attendees with a valuable opportunity to form in-person connections in an increasingly digital world. Source – Bizzabo.

Prioritise ROI and audience engagement over just selling sponsorship spaces as predicted by Kei Nakakoji, Event Manager, Best Case Scenario

A sign, inviting a delegate to come in

Kei has identified a necessity as opposed to a trend for 2019, the need for major industry events to prioritise sponsorship and audience engagement over just selling sponsorship spaces.

She believes, the focus on (over) selling sponsorship has started to trump the value delivered back to sponsors, and ultimately the delegate. She was at a major event recently, and every single space was sponsored from the escalator to the floor to the walls of the venue – she questions if it was really that effective and generated an ROI for the sponsor.

The sales and marketing managers Kei speak with are constantly reconsidering how they prioritise and invest their marketing budget.

How can they be smart with how they invest their sponsorship dollars in some of these major industry events?, they certainly face a dilemma for 2019 to either:

1. Choose to be just be another vendor among the sea of competition?
2. Or do they focus their marketing budget on smaller/more focused events that are on the rise?

A shift in focus from stuffing the funnel to a focus on the delegate life cycle as predicted by Jen Murray, BCS Marketing Consultant

Stuffing the sales funnel, many shirts in a wardrobe

This trend has already emerged and is growing, event planners are smart and know that filling the funnel with leads is no longer enough, an increased shift on marketing throughout the entire delegate life cycle is a must.

Smaller events such as summits allow for a more intimate and cohesive marketing technique. Assigning a champion or influencer from the beginning of the campaign gives the event a face and credibility from the start, connections build from delegate awareness right through to the consumption of the event and beyond.

Being real and helpful will still trump at events as predicted by Stacey Hutchinson, Senior Events & Operations Manager

Human touch at events, robots touching

Stacey is also leaning toward the ‘human interaction’ trend. This is not surprising considering the amount of event tech and automation available through the entire delegate life cycle. She mentions, it’s not unrealistic for a delegate to have their first ‘human’ interaction at an event’s welcoming address. Think about it, a delegate registers online and receives an automated response thanking them, they collect their delegate registration badge from an electronic ticketing machine, they pour their own coffee and sit themselves down in the auditorium.

There is no doubt that the human element at an event results in long-lasting relationships and the formation of genuine partnerships.

Another area that is often lacking in the human element are business events where a contact telephone number or helpline number isn’t available to delegates. This is particularly important for people with a disability, especially since 1 in 4 Australians suffer from some form of disability.

In the events industry we welcome technology advancements, especially those that drive down cost, improve efficiencies and increase engagement. But as for us human event planners, we are not going anywhere so please interact and say hello at the next event you attend.


When does corporate entertainment stop being entertaining

I’ve been to over 200 corporate entertainment events this year and I I’ve seen it all: from champagne serving aerialists, food drones, ball pits and other ‘playful’ entertainment to break the ice amongst delegates.  As an event planner I have to keep an open mind and consider all options, however, knowing when to draw the line can make or break an event.

There is no denying that the power of downtime and entertainment at a corporate event is essential. I think most event planners are certainly under pressure to find that one thing that hasn’t been done before and talked about for weeks after the event.  I have come across some hum dingers in my day like the trend of placing food on people’s bodies during lunch.

So how can some businesses make bad entertainment choices?  it happens when an organisation starts the planning phase being too inwardly focused. It starts with management saying they saw X entertainment at an event they were at, or a mate of theirs has a friend who is a comedian, but really their experience is limited to telling a few jokes at a dinner party.

Always put the audience first

Indeed start planning with internal ideas and brainstorming. However, I think most entertainment failures happen when the focus is taken off the delegate profile. The simple question of ‘Does this suit our audience’? should be asked when considering each act.

It’s also important to have a backup option for any ‘unforeseen disasters. Back in the 1990’s an ex-colleague of mine organised entertainment for some bank executives in the UK transporting them on the Orient Express to the opera.  Unfortunately the train broke down, so the executives had to board a bus, surprisingly a first for some. However, this perceived disaster was rectified by a fantastic experience at the Opera, entertainment that matched the audience profile. The fact they had to get back on a bus didn’t seem to bother them.

Consider the audience generation gap

One other important consideration when sourcing entertainment is how does one bridge the gap between generations? Millennials, Post Millennials, Generation X and Baby Boomers, finding entertainment that can bridge these generations can be difficult.  As a rule of thumb:

  • always look at your audience profile first, then decide if one or multiple acts are required to satisfy all generations.
  • make sure you get references directly from corporates who have used them in the past
  • search the entertainers profile online, you may find some honest reviews
  • use an agency where possible, their reputation is heavily dependent on an act, they have done the ground work in terms of searching for the best

If you are looking for an act that appeals to many generations and are professionally trained, we recommend The Starletts, visiting Australia for a limited time in 2019.

A poster for The Starletts Australian Tour

Australian Commission on safety and quality in healthcare

Best Case Scenario Event Management are delighted to be one of two professional conference organisers selected to be on the supplier panel to provide event management services to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare (ACSQHC).   This type of news does wonders for the BCS team morale, just recently we were also selected to be on the Microsoft supplier program.  There is no doubt it’s our longevity in the marketplace (operating since 2007), experience and our ‘go beyond to deliver excellence’ mantra that makes us the event support of choice.

"It’s great to be involved in an initiative that makes a difference to people’s lives. We are looking forward to working with ACSQHC to deliver events that have an enormous impact on society".

ACSQHC works in partnership with patients, consumers, clinicians, managers, policy makers and healthcare organisations to achieve a sustainable, safe and high-quality health system. Over the next four years, the Commission’s strategic priorities are in the areas of:
  • Patient safety
  • Partnering with patients, consumers and communities
  • Quality cost and value
  • Supporting health professionals to provide safe and high-quality care
Please follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with our work @BestCaseEvents

A seriously unique duo from Europe

The famous fashion designer Julien MacDonald described their show as fabulous, they have performed at Lindsay Lohan’s new beach club in Mykonos for her forthcoming new reality show on MTV, they have hung out with Patricia Field, Emmy award winner for Best Costume Design for Sex and The City. Their final two credits? They are #20 on the Traxsource Soulful House chart and are produced by New York’s Legendary DJ Lenny Fontana.

The Starletts debut track is available for download on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify. What more could you want to make your employees happy, do something different with your corporate entertainment.

Introducing The Starletts

My brother is part of a successful duo called The Starletts, who hail from Greece. I am incredibly excited to have them over for Christmas Dinner, but on a more serious note before your organisation settles on entertainment that has been seen many times, consider The Starletts to spice up your Christmas and/or New Year events.

They are performing for large Australian technology clients, but still have dates available to fit in more performances.  On a recent visit to Greece, I had the pleasure of seeing them perform and work the crowd, they have a rare magnetism when they perform and are a unique act on the corporate entertainment scene.

New album out now

Make Memories, energise corporate entertainment and create a serious sense of style

The Starletts are classic house music, disco divas, 80’s/90’s soul, rich harmonies and belt out memorable lyrics.  Their incredibly infectious debut track ‘On His Mind’, produced by New York house music legend Lenny Fontana will have the audience kicking their heels on the dance floor.

How to book them for your next corporate event

They are being represented by Australian agents, Ovations. Founded in 1988, they specialise in providing professional entertainment and motivational speakers to Australian organisations.

Corporate entertainment agency logo | OvationsJane Rowland Smith, Chief of Client Experiences
Ovations International
Mob: 0417 481924


Welcome to our Channel Partner Program Director

The Best Case Scenario team continues to grow to better support the needs of our clients. Greg joins our team to support the needs of our technology clients who wish to grow and refine their channel sales model.

While we continue to offer a full set of event support services, we are expanding our services to offer channel sales and marketing support for our technology clients.

It is Greg’s strong knowledge and wealth of experience in all areas of the technology industry that makes him the right fit for Best Case Scenario, as well as his focus on building strong relationships by offering a good customer experience and ROI.

Greg has chosen to become part of the Best Case Scenario team as he can see the enormous impact event based marketing has on customer acquisition, networking and loyalty.

"I’m really pleased that Greg has joined the team, these are exciting times for BCS and we are constantly responding to our clients needs and Greg is a ‘hit the ground running’ professional".

Greg has vast experience when it comes to channel sales and marketing, especially addressing common challenges faced by this sales model, his experience includes:

  • Developing direct and channel marketing programs
  • Demand generation programs
  • Regaining control of the sales process if partners are mismanaging deals
  • Initiating and managing change across multiple channels for example, changes in sales strategy, messaging, introduction of new products
  • Improving the channel feedback cycle, work with the channel to gather, analyse and interpret customer feedback and use results for future marketing activities
  • Reducing potential conflict in some circumstances direct salespeople compete with the channel for the same business.

Greg’s Bio

Prior to joining Best Case Scenario Greg previously worked with marketing services company Direct IT for 14 years, prior to that he spent 3 years at Hi-Tech Solutions.

While at Direct IT, Greg was responsible for managing and growing the business, servicing a customer base consisting largely of enterprise technology vendors and distribution houses.

Greg is an Eastern Suburbs local, who currently likes to spend his free time finding his downward dog and tending his backyard market garden. On the rare occasion he can also be caught celebrating a win over a local football team.

Please join us and welcome Greg to the Best Case Scenario fold.

For enquiries on Best Case Scenario channel sales and marketing support please contact